Focus on your core business and instruct Risk & Security Management to assist with your brand protection needs.
Risk & Security Management provides a comprehensive market watch monitoring service across Australia and New Zealand to protect your brand and intellectual property. We offer a targeted approach, with our main focus on areas where we find the majority of counterfeit goods, ensuring your trademarks and products are safeguarded.
We record brands sighted across all types of products and hold extensive historical records including vehicle registrations in addition to name and other identification details. Such intelligence is beneficial to the Australian Border Force seizure component as well as Criminal Prosecutions.
Once infringements are identified, we obtain the necessary evidence and then prepare Cease & Desist letters. Risk & Security Management can assist in the preparation of these letters or work with your legal team.
We keep detailed records of these letters for use for future evidence if required, and manage ongoing issues with recidivists.
Risk & Security Management has considerable experience in investigating and identifying the identities of online traders.
Furthermore, we can conduct online monitoring across social media platforms to identify any infringements of your brand. Once infringements are identified, we can assist in removing the listing or obtaining test purchases and identifying the sellers.
In order to implement an effective border protection program, it is critical to lodge your brand with local border enforcement. This will allow officers to seize counterfeit goods at the border, which eases and reduces the cost of any infringement action at market level.
We work closely with Australian Border Force and New Zealand Customs Service, from lodging Notices on your behalf to preparing Cease & Desist letters.
Police cooperation is often difficult in Australia as there is low priority placed on intellectual property crime.
Risk & Security Management first identify suitable recidivist infringers from Intel gathered from the market watch program, and then prepare a brief to report to State or Federal Police. Once an operation is confirmed, we assist the Police to provide manpower, resources, evidence, and preparation of Expert Witness Statements.